("Clone") Clones the ship. The ship must be in orbit around a planet with starbase. Cloning overrides a pending normal build order. Cloning costs the normal mineral amounts, but twice as much money (for details, see the ShipCloneCostRate config option).

Preconditions for cloning:

  • Cloning must be enabled (AllowShipCloning).
  • This only works for ships you (the ship owner) can not build normally.
  • The starbase must have appropriate tech levels.
  • The starbase must have enough resources. Clone orders walk the build queue like any other build order; resources are allocated in the turn the clone order will be finally performed. Clone orders that do not have enough minerals will be marked with a ! in build queue messages.
  • You must own the starbase, or the owner must have granted you the planet level of alliance.
  • The ship must not be unclonable.
  • The ship cannot move while it wants to be cloned (its warp speed will be reset to zero).

Normally, the Crystals and Privateers can not clone. PHost does not explicitly forbid it, but with the default configuration, cloning is far too expensive for them.

When a ship is cloned, build points are deduced from the starbase owner. This may not be the same player as the owner of the ship being cloned (and thus, the owner of the new ship) if the ship is using a planet-level alliance.

Relevant PControl Stage: ShipBuildOrders (ship must fulfill most preconditions in this stage to be added to the build queue), ShipBuilding_1, ShipBuilding_2 (ship will be cloned, and minerals/cash must be available in these stages).

Relevant Configuration Option: AllowShipCloning