• The number of defense posts needed to block bioscanners can now be configured, DefenseToBlockBioscan. (v4.1a/3.5a)
  • Added inactivity detection for combat. With certain settings, combat takes forever. PHost now terminates combat when it thinks it will not complete, and displays a message
    WARNING: combat terminated due to inactivity after NNN ticks.
        Please check your combat configuration. With the current settings,
        the fight might have taken forever.
    If you get that message (which, I think, is very unlikely), change your combat configuration to get closer to the default configuration or another one known to work. (v4.1a/3.5a)
  • The new UseBaseTorpsInCombat option allows hosts to turn off use of torpedoes from starbase storage in combat. They will still use the free torpedoes if PlanetsHaveTubes is enabled. (v4.1c/3.5c)
  • The new MinimumHappiness option provides a lower limit of happiness after a planet is conquered. This restricts the damage players can do to their planets if they know they'll be losing. (v4.1c/3.5c)
  • When a ship explodes in a minefield, PHost now generates a new util.dat record for all players. Previously, this information was sent to non-involved races only when they were using Winplan. (v4.1c/3.5c)