The main task for a starbase is to build ships. You first put the required components into storage, and then assemble the ship. Modern clients allow you to do that in one step. The ship will be built as soon as possible, using the build queue if needed.

Starbases can also fix (repair) or recycle (scrap) one ship per turn.

  • Repairing a ship repairs all damage (the ship ends the turn with 0 damage), and replenishes the crew. You can repair your ships as well as ships of allies whom you have offered the planet level.
  • Recycling a ship ship will break up the hull into its minerals, and put the standard components (engines, beams, torpedoes) into storage. Using the dmp friendly code, you can also turn the components back into minerals. You can recycle only ships you own.

Starbase primary orders can also interact with ships. There are six primary orders: (these orders are supported by PHost as well as the original HOST; there are no "extended" missions (yet))