- PHost initialization, command-line parsing, etc.
- Hosting files are read and validated.
- Turn files are read and processed in random order. Turn files are checked for cheating and then incorporated into the hosting files. This will update all information from the client (mission changes, cargo transfers between same-race objects, ...). transfer and unload move cargo into transporters. Most command messages are executed.
- Rumors are sent in random order.
(4.0h) In turn 1, PHost assigns special functions to ships created by Master.
- When DelayAllianceCommands is off, alliance changes are performed here.
- Remote Control commands are performed in the following order
- "drop"
- "allow"/"forbid"
- "control"
- "give"
- Remote-controlled ships are given back to their real owner.
(3.4c) Note that PHost versions up to 3.4b do alliance processing at the beginning of phase 2, and process remote control orders and rumors in whatever order they're coming in. In addition, these host versions send rumors in whatever order they come in and therefore do not guarantee anonymity.