The Pirates can rob enemy ships. They will steal Neutronium, Tritanium, Duranium, Molybdenum, Supplies and Money, in this order. Pending ship-to-foreign-ship and ship-to-foreign-planet transfers are intercepted and stolen, too (if the victim did a ship-to-own-ship-or-planet transfer, that one will be resolved client-side and can't be stolen).

The most common use of this mission is to await the victim with a few cloaked ships, and rob him dry and board him next turn. Tow and Rob will happen uncloaked, though.


  • ship has fuel
  • ship has beams

Robbing happens in per-player Id order at each place.

Relevant Configuration Options: RobCloakedChance, RobCloakedShips, RobFailureOdds.

Relevant PControl Stages: RobMission.