DeleteOldMessages: PHost does not keep old messages. There are no plans to support this feature.

'con' and 'noc' Friendly Codes: PHost does not send its configuration as message when requested with con. It does, however, send pconfig.src in util.dat, as a file transfer record. Since PHost never sends its configuration when not asked to, "noc" has no effect.

VPA Extra Features: HOST 3.22.036 has a switch "VPA Extra Features" which permits some actions not doable with planets.exe or older Winplan.

  • You can transfer cargo from a ship to a foreign ship, and re-load the ship with cargo from a planet. PHost (as well as HOST 3.22.029 and earlier) always allows this. The new PHost team believes this rule interpretation is more useful.
  • You can only intercept ships which you actually see. PHost always enforces this restriction.