This dialog allows you to configure alliances. It is only available if your host version supports alliances.

The left side lists all other players together with a quick status:

  • red: no alliance
  • yellow: partial alliance (they have offered but you didn't, or the other way around)
  • green: alliance established
  • bright red: you have declared them an enemy

On the right, the selected player's alliance status is broken down. The actual selection depends on the host version. You can edit alliances here. Possible settings include "not offered" (blank checkbox), "offered" (blue X), and "conditional offer" (green C). A conditional offer can only by used by the partner if they offer the same level to you.

Depending on your host version, the following levels could be available with different settings:

  • Alliance offer (PHost): You have offered them an alliance (but not necessarily any privileges).
  • Standard alliance (THost): You have offered them an alliance. You will not attack them.
  • Ship alliance (PHost): You allow them ship-related privileges.
  • Planet alliance (PHost): You allow them planet-related privileges.
  • Minefield alliance (PHost): You allow them free flight through your minefields.
  • Combat alliance (PHost): You will not attack them.
  • Vision alliance (PHost, THost): They will see everything you see.

The following keys are active in this dialog:

  • Arrows, Tab: Move around
  • Space: Toggle current alliance or alliance level


A from race screen