Note: The Help key in most of PCC2 is AltH (or, where possible, H), not F1 like in many other current desktop programs. F1 will work in some screens, but not all.

Select a directory on the left. Available races will be shown on the right. Change directory by double-clicking it or using the Change directory button, open a game for playing by double-clicking the race or using the Open game button.

  • Tab: Switch between fields
  • Left: Switch to directory selector; if already there, go to parent directory
  • Right: Switch to player selector; if not possible, enter directory
  • Enter: On player selector: load game; otherwise like Right
  • U: Unpack result files (only when the directory contains RSTs)
  • M: Make turn files (only when the directory contains unpacked game data)
  • S: Clean up game directory (delete files)
  • F5: Plugin Manager
  • ESC: Exit

When a game contains game data, Enter and Right will not browse its subdirectories, but switch to the game selector instead. Normally, game directories do not contain other game directories. Use the [Change into this directory] item at the bottom of the player list to browse subdirectories.