PLAYER DATA       files a player has on his hard disk while playing his
  TRN FILE          describes the TRN file format in all its variations;
  RST FILE          describes RSTs;
  HOST DATA         describes the files the Wisseman Host (and PHost,
                    though -- strictly speaking -- PHost is "3rd party")
                    uses to keep universe data and other information;
  FIXED DATA        files that are normally constant throughout a game,
                    such as the xxxSPEC files or name lists. These are used
                    by the host and the players;
  CHECKSUMS         lists all checksums you may need to update if you write
                    a player-side program;
  3rd PARTY         file formats of various 3rd party programs (not by Tim
                    Wisseman). If you wish your file format to be added
                    here, feel free to contact me. There's a client-side
                    section and a host-side section;
  FILE LIST         a list of file names and programs that own these files.
                    Comes in handy when debugging game directories people
                    sent you;
  FIELD LIST        provides a cross-reference about which property is
                    stored where.

Note that the borders between sections are floating: what you consider a host file, I may list under `fixed' or even `3rd party'.