+0  18 BYTEs   Timestamp (10 bytes date mm-dd-yyyy, 8 bytes time hh:mm:ss)
+18  88 BYTEs   11 score records of 8 bytes each
+106    WORD    Player Id
+108 20 BYTEs   Password (defines signatures 1 and 2)
+128    BYTE    0
+129    DWORD   Checksum of SHIPx.DAT/DIS
+133    DWORD   Checksum of PDATAx.DAT/DIS
+137    DWORD   Checksum of BDATAx.DAT/DIS
+141    WORD    13 if the password has changed, 0 otherwise
+143 10 BYTEs   New password (if any)
+153    WORD    Turn Number
+155    WORD    Timestamp Sum