Traditionally, VGAP is played on operating systems that do not distinguish file name case. It originated on MS-DOS which converted all file names to upper case. Therefore, by convention, all file names in this documentation are shown in upper-case (and often still appear this way on Microsoft operating systems).

VGAP is now also played on operating systems that do distinguish upper and lower case in file names. In these operating systems, it is customary to use lower-case file names.

It is recommended to access files by their lower-case names. This will work under all circumstances:

  • DOS/Windows don't care
  • lower-case is used by most VGAP software for Unix, including PHost, PCC2/PlayVCR, GWP, k-util, PDK-based software, ...

PHost and PDK-based software will also read files in all-uppercase names, but this is rarely used and not well-tested. In particular, PHost will always create files with lowercase names, even if a matching uppercase file already exists. Avoid this.

Some programs create mixed-case names ("HullSpec.Dat"). This should be avoided by any means, because it is very inefficient for Unix software to figure out.

As an additional MS-DOS relic, file names should adhere to the "8.3" file name length convention.