-=  T E Q U I L A    W A R S  =-

                  VGA Planets scoring scenario
                 by Eugene Goroh, Kiev, Ukraine, goroh@ucr.kiev.ua
             Programming: Konst Kopytov, Kiev, konst@grizzly.kiev.ua
             Translation from russian: Gleb Mazursky, xeye@mail.ru

There is a Cactus Lovers Association iN Galaxy (CLANG). This worthy
institute considers its purpose as popularization and cultivation of
these noble plants. Thus, every planet expressing the desire to
cultivate cactuses gets seedlings from CLANG freely. However, mighty
religious organization is hidden under the mask of nature lovers.
While moving through planets, CLANG missionaries spread new religion,
according to it Great Spirit will descend to the Galaxy soon (about
60-70 turn) and everybody will be judged by his own deeds. From the
Spirit's point of view, one's righteousness is directly proportional
to megabarrels of cactus juice (aka tequila) contributed to CLANG
missionaries. As the Сanon says, tequila, which CLANG's priests produce
according to secret recipes is a Great Spirit's tears. Thus, cunning
missionaries draw galactic leaders to the grace.

It's no wonder that galactic governments considered tequila stockpiling
seriously under the shaman's pressure. But it was appeared quickly
that instead of patient cactus growing, one can invade neighbor's
plantations, сut down cactuses, squeeze out juice and contribute it to
the CLANG purveyors in amounts of 10 times bigger than in usual planting.
And CLANG accepts stolen raw juice with a joy (an apologist said
concerning this: "Tequila doesn't smell") moreover, putting punishment
to the victim of aggression equal to 15 crops, because the saint seedlings
had not been saved.

Association prospered. But the chaos reigned the Galaxy. Rushes, T-Rexes,
Meteors and Gorbies had been taken into battle. Only the Great Spirit
descent stopped the Tequila Wars. When the CLANG's tequila tanks were
overfilled, the Great Spirit counted the results and sent the report to
the Rating Coordinator...


However, there is even fresher version of this scoring. Some bugs
were fixed, Log file expanded, and new features and options added:

- New ideology for tequila investment for new cactus planting (it prevents
mass planting on last turns, because cactus will need time to be repaid).
Formula of Cactus prepayment cost, = A + M * N^X , where
N= number of existing cactuses,
 A=M=X=0: old-style, no prepayment;
 A=5, M=X=0:  fixed prepayment, each new cactus planting costs 5 tequila$
 A=0, M=1, X=1: arithmetic progression, 1st cactus is free, 2nd costs 1,
                3d - 2,..., 20th costs 19 tequila$.
 A=0, M=1, X=2: square progression, 1st cactus is free, 2nd costs 1,
                then 4, 9, 16, 25, 36... 9th planting costs 64 tequila$ -
                rather expensive, isn't it? :)

CACTUSLIMIT   - max number of cactuses available per race -
                to stop irresponsible planting;

CLANSREQUIRED - Minimum clans on the planet required to plant a new cactus;

NEEDBASE      - some brands of cactuses need special equipment for
                planting; if NEEDBASE = Yes in Your Galaxy, it is
                possible to plant cactus only on a planet with starbase.

- Now it's impossible to plant cactuses while Your vote is "Yes". That
turn when You're planting new cactuses - You're unable to say "vote yes".
Or, if You say "vote yes", You cannot plant more new cactuses!
It was made to prevent those guys planting on all the planets and voting
for the game finishing thus becoming unpunished.

- Also the !NEW! conception of a "cactus stump" has appeared. If "stumps"
are allowed, there is some tequila income even after cactus capturing!
So, there is a reason for an agressor not to capture cactus and run avay,
but to hold this planet further. Loser also has an interest to take it back:
greedy priests impose an every-turn contribution during the time while
the planet with "stump" is owned by other race. It makes game more
dynamical, and it's more dangerous now to plant a lot of cactuses: it
is possible to fall lower if enemy takes Your cactuses.

So, "stump" options are:

KEEPCACTUS    - is "stump" available or not (old-version mode is equal
                to KEEPCACTUS = No).

TURNPLUSSCORE - how many tequila drips from "stump" every turn (for the new
                planet owner).

TURNMINUSSCORE- annual contribution for loser.

REBUILDCACTUS - if Yes, then it is possible to plant a new cactus on the
                planet with "stump". When a new cactus is planted, stump
                is removed independently of the race who plants the cactus.
                "Stump bonus" and contribution is finished.

You can see the full options list in Cactus.Ini.

To plant a new cactus, send a letter to yourself:

defhw <N>

where <N> is the planet Id.
If You use VPA client by Alex Ivlev, You can simply send a letter with
the planet information (Shift_F3 key) to yourself.

To vote for the finishing game, send a letter

vote YES

to yourself.

On Phost, send the same letters, but with
in the first line.

Scenario by: Eugene Goroh, Ukraine, Kiev      goroh@ucr.kiev.ua
Programming: Konst Kopytov, Ukraine, Kiev     konst@grizzly.kiev.ua

P.S. We have played several interesting games using the tequila scenario.
So, we can propose the playable configurations (based on our experience
from a number of games with a different players' level), in addition to
"standard" settings. Of course, if You are interested in it.