Program was written by Michal Korzycki and Piotr Winiarczyk.
(c) 1996-2005 Version 3.10g
Version release date : 2005-01-25 00:44
This is universe master program for VGA-Planets game.
It is intended to be portable and open source.
NEVER give unedited amaster.log file to players since there is random seed
inside. Universe is completly described by this number. Having this number
player can recreate it.
Amaster is mainly designed for Phost games with Explore Map add-on
using AllowWraparoundMap = Yes. To change configuration parameters
in order to make Amaster create universe MASTER 3.02 compatibile, see
pmaster.cfg file from putil or pdk archive from
Usage: amaster [options] [GameDirectory [RootDirectory]]
Valid options:
-h -- Print help and exit.
-v -- Print version and exit.
-c -- Print command line strings.
-l -- Don't create log file.
-w -- Don't create wormholes.
-m -- Don't create map.
-u -- Don't fix map checksums.
-p -- Show progress in map creation and validation or in test mode. (MSDOS only)
-i -- Display homeworld near-far planets, native cash or minerals info.
-t -- Display post mastering statistics.
-g -- Display Homeworlds finding algorithm statistics.
-n -- Display each player planet(s) IDs.
-d -- Display each player planets, bases and ships number.
-r -- Don't show total run time.
-a -- Don't write message to players.
-s seed -- Use seed in random generator.
-f name -- Use file name as config file.
( One can make AMASTER section in pconfig.src file )
-z -- Test mode ON. Tests provided map or configuration.
-y number -- Number of tests in test mode. Default is 50.
-x number -- Number of planets displayed in test mode summary. Default is 20.
-o ID -- ID of one of the Homeworlds in test mode.
-3 -- PHOST3 support. Create universe for PHOST3 game.
-k name.pgm -- Use name.pgm file as map creation mask.
Files needed by Amaster to create universe.
To create universe one must place following files in GameDirectory or
RootDirectory: beamspec.dat, engspec.dat, hullspec.dat, torpspec.dat,
truehull.dat, planet.nm, race.nm. The amaster.src should be placed in
GameDirectory. When universe map is not created, the xyplan.dat should be
present in GameDirectory or RootDirectory. Amaster will also try to read
pconfig.src from GameDirectory. When there is no pconfig.src file or
NumShips prameter is not set (Phost 3) number of ships is set to 500.
Notes on test mode.
Test mode is for checking maps or configuration. If Amaster is not
generating map and it is using user provided map it may happen that
same planets are choosen more often than others for Homeworlds.
Host person should avoid such situations because same player can find
this out and have advantage in game. If it happens tune Homeworld finding
algorithm or consider change of game design. Use -p option to show
progress in testing (works only on MSDOS platform). Using -o option one
can provide one or more Homeworlds IDs, and test how offen such IDs are
choosen and if so, which planets are choosen for Homeworlds too.
In test mode you can also specify -g or -t flags to get various
stastistic information about created universes. (new in 3.10)
One can also gather same statistical information (again -g -t options)
when Amaster creates maps or when ProvideHomeworld=Yes. In those cases
no information about choosen Homeworlds IDs is displayed, so -g or -t
option is obligatory.
While displaying Map creation process symbols are used:
'*' - map was created
'#' - finding stars not in WraparoundRectangle
'' - finding stars with distance smaller than given in config
'X' - checking and fixing planet X coordinates sum
'Y' - checking and fixing planet Y coordinates sum
While displaying Test Mode progress symbols are used:
'+' - test succesfully completed
'=' - test completed but HW with ID set by -o option not found.
'-' - test not completed, too many iterations
When displaying IDs of player planet(s) symbols are used:
'H' - planet is a Homeworld
'B' - planet has base
Homeworld finding algoritm parameters (new in version 3.0).
MaxMapCounter - How many times map can be created.
MaxPlanetCounter - How many times planets minerals/natives are created
for each map.
MaxHWCounter - How many times Amaster try to find homeworld for
for each map and each planets setting.
Maximal number of try to find homeworlds is
During that search, map is created MaxMapCounter times,
planets are created MaxMapCounter*MaxPlanetCounter.
MaxMapCounter = 20
MaxPlanetCounter = 100
MaxHWCounter = 50000
All parameters described as 'arrayzed' can be in two forms.
Short eg. RaceIsPlaying = Yes
It means that 'Yes' is valid for all races.
Long eg. RaceIsPlaying = Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Yes
Each race must have individual setting.
RaceIsPlaying is arrayzed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
RaceIsPlaying= Yes, No , No , No , No , No , No , No , No , No , No
All 9 parameters (except BorderWidth) listed below have exactly
same meaning as in Phost pconfig.src file. Look into Phost documentation
for more deep explanation. Amaster sametimes uses them for
other purposes.
PlayerRace = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
MapTruehullByPlayerRace = Yes
If AllowWraparoundMap is Yes - when placing the Homeworlds the distance
"across" the border of the map will also be taken in consideration.
BorderWidth is a historic parameter when there was no wrap map
implemented in Phost and sometimes hosts use 'wrap border zone'
for same reasons. BorderWidth set to 0 is a recommended choice for
Phost 3.2 or newer.
AllowWraparoundMap = Yes
WraparoundRectangle = 1000, 1000, 3000, 3000
BorderWidth = 0
Set this parameter to Yes if the Crystal homeworld is to have a temperature
of 100 rather than 50, as for the other homeworlds.
All 4 below parameters are used only when AdjustPopulation = Yes.
CrystalsPreferDeserts = Yes
CrystalSinTempBehavior = No
ClimateLimitsPopulation = Yes
MaxColTempSlope = 1000
Set the initial passwords for each player. Passwords may be up to 10
characters in length. To indicate that no password should be used, set
the password to 'none'.
Here one select the mineral composition of non-homeworld planets.
The 8 elements of the PlanetSurfaceRanges array is interpreted as follows:
Nmin, Tmin, Dmin, Mmin, Nmax, Tmax, Dmax, Mmax
The actual amount of a mineral found on a planet's surface will be
randomly distributed between 'min' and 'max' limits. For example, if
Nmin=0 and Nmax=1000, then each planet's surface will have anywhere
from 0 to 1000 KT of Neutronium.
MASTER 3.02 - Random normal settings.
PlanetSurfaceRanges= 0, 0, 0, 0, 250, 50, 40, 25
Density is also specified as Nmin, Tmin, Dmin, Mmin, Nmax, Tmax, Dmax, Mmax.
Note that density must be in the range 1 through 100.
MASTER 3.02 - Random normal settings.
PlanetDensityRanges=10, 10, 10, 10, 100, 100, 100, 100
Selecting the composition of minerals in the core of planets is a bit more
complicated. You specify two sets of ranges, the "usual" range (umin-umax)
and the "alternate" range (amin-amax). Then, you specify the frequency
with which a given mineral will be chosen from the usual range. As before,
the PlanetCoreRangesUsual and PlanetCoreRangesAlternate parameters are
8-element arrays in the form :
Nmin, Tmin, Dmin, Mmin, Nmax, Tmax, Dmax, Mmax.
For example, for Neutronium you set the usual range to (umin=100,
umax=1000) and the alternate range to (amin=2000, amax=10000). You set
the usual range frequency to 80. Then, on 80% of the planets, the
amount of in-core Neutronium will be between 100 KT and 1000 KT. On the
remaining 20 of the planets, the amount of in-core Neutronium will be
between 2000 KT and 10000 KT.
MASTER 3.02 - Random normal settings.
PlanetCoreRangesUsual = 0, 0, 0, 0, 700, 500, 500, 200
PlanetCoreRangesAlternate = 700, 500, 500, 200, 12000, 12000, 12000, 12000
Percent chance of usual range
PlanetCoreUsualFrequency = 75, 80, 85, 85
Now you select the characteristics of natives on planets. The
NativesOnPlanetFrequency parameter indicates the percentage of planets that
are to have natives. For example, setting it to 60 means that 60 of
the planets will have natives (this is the default MASTER 3.02 setting).
NativesOnPlanetFrequency = 60
The NativeTypeFrequencies array allows you to control the relative
frequency of the different kinds of natives (Bovinoid, Humanoid, etc.)
Each element of this 9-element array must be a number from 0 to 100 that
is only meaningful in comparison to the other numbers. Two elements from
this array indicate the relative frequency of occurrence of the corresponding
native types. For example, if element 1 (Humanoids) is 10 and element 2
(Bovinoids) is 20, then there will be twice as many planets with Bovinoids
as Humanoids.
Setting one item to 0 means that this native type will never appear.
Default MASTER 3.02 behavior is equal probability for all native types
except for Humanoids and Siliconoids which are half as likely as the others.
The native types are coded:
1 -- Humanoid
2 -- Bovinoid
3 -- Reptilian
4 -- Avian
5 -- Amorphous
6 -- Insectoid
7 -- Amphibian
8 -- Ghipsoldal
9 -- Siliconoid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
NativeTypeFrequencies=50, 50, 50, 50, 100, 50, 50, 50, 50
The NativeGovFrequencies array has the same format as NativeTypeFrequencies
except that it applies to government types.
Default MASTER 3.02 behavior is equal probability for all native governments
except for Anarchy and Unity which are half as likely as the others.
The government types are coded :
1 -- Anarchy
2 -- Pre-tribal
3 -- Early Tribal
4 -- Tribal
5 -- Feudal
6 -- Monarchy
7 -- Representative
8 -- Participatory
9 -- Unity
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
NativeGovFrequencies=25, 50, 50, 50, 75, 50, 50, 50, 25
The NativeRange has two elements, min and max, which indicate the
minimum number and maximum number of natives for planets that have
natives. The actual number of natives is chosen uniformly from this range.
Note that these are thousands, the actual native population is 1000 times
bigger. Default MASTER 3.02 behavior (approximate).
NativeRange=2, 9000
Both parameters control starting happyness of natives and colonists
in the moment of universe creation. If not defined later natives
and colonist will have such happiness on all planets.
DefaultNativesHappy = 80
DefaultColonistHappy = 80
Set the number of planets that each race will start with. Configurable for
each race. Default is 1, giving player only Homeworld planet.
When OwnedPlanets=0 and FreeShips=Yes all ships for given player are
generated in the same random point of universe.
OwnedPlanets is arrayzed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
OwnedPlanets= 1
Set the number of bases that each race will start with. Configurable for
each race. Placed first on the Homeworlds and successively on the next
OwnedBases is arrayzed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
OwnedBases = 1
Initialy bases are created on planets nearest Homeworlds, but
if needed they can be randomly moved to other player planets.
BaseHopsNumber parameter describes number of trys of such moves.
BaseHopsNumber = 0
BaseHopsFactor parameter sets probability of movement for base.
Once base for movment is choosen and destanation planet is known
there is certain probability to move base.
Probablility = exp ( - DistanceToNewPlanet/BaseHopsFactor)
When DistanceToNewPlanet = BaseHopsFactor
Probablility = exp ( - 1 ) = 36.8
Bigger values make bases hops ( jumps ) more frequent.
Same numerical examples for BaseHopsFactor = 100
DistanceToNewPlanet Probability
( LY ) ( )
10 90.5
50 60.7
100 36.8
150 22.3
200 13.5
BaseHopsFactor = 100
One can limit distance from bases to Homeworld. BaseHopsLimit is minimal and
maximal distance for planets to have base. BaseHopsLimit is in percentage
of distance to the most distant planet owned by race (MaxPlanetDistance).
Setting BaseHopsLimit = 0, 100 allow all player planets to have bases,
while BaseHopsLimit = 25, 50 allows only planets nearer then
MaxPlanetDistance* 50 /100.0 LY and more than
MaxPlanetDistance* 25 /100.0 LY from Homeworld.
Since BaseHopsLimit works only with base reassigment algorithm it is
possible to have bases outside this limit. They were not moved during
reassigment phase or reassigment was not done at all (BaseHopsNumber = 0).
BaseHopsLimit = 0, 100
While planets with bases are no longer the most closest to Homeword
it is imposible to say which base will be assigned to which planet.
See Planet1,..,Planet99 and HomePlanet1,..,HomePlanet99 parameters.
When BindPlanetsToBases = Yes, Planet1 will be bind with nearest
to Homeworld base, Planet2 to second nearest base... Next nearest
non-base planet will be assigned to next free PlanetXX parameter,
and so on.
OwnedPlanets = 7
OwnedBases = 3
Shortly we describe Planet1 as P1, base 1 as B1
PH - Planet with Homeworld, BH - Homeworld base
[ ] - No planets outside this range can have base.
BaseHopsLimit defines those limits.
1. BaseHopsNumber=0 - no base reassigment
[ ]
PH P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
BH B1 B2
0 Distance to Homeworld
2. BaseHopsNumber not 0 - base reassigment
BindPlanetsToBases = No
[ ]
PH P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
BH B1 B2
0 Distance to Homeworld
There is no way to tell which planet will have base.
3. BaseHopsNumber not 0 - base reassigment
BindPlanetsToBases = Yes
[ ]
PH P3 P1 P4 P2 P5 P6
BH B1 B2
0 Distance to Homeworld
Now nearest to Homeworld base will have Planet1 settings
base 2 will have Planet2 settings, then first to Homeworld
non-base planet will get first not used planet number - Planet3.
Next one will be Planet4 and the last one Planet5.
4. BaseHopsNumber not 0 - base reassigment
BindPlanetsToBases = Yes
[ ]
PH P1 P3 P4 P2 P5 P6
BH B1 B2
0 Distance to Homeworld
Base 1 is outside BaseHopsLimit. It may happen when base 1
did not made any hops. One or more hops will bring base 1 into
BaseHopsLimit range.
BindPlanetsToBases = Yes
Base reassigment procedure:
Start- done once for one player:
* Find possible planets for bases considering BaseHopsLimit.
Main loop
* Randomly find player base (not Homeworld).
* Find player planet with no base and allowed for base.
* Measure distance - DistanceToNewPlanet.
* Compute Probability.
* If Random(100) < Probability move base to new planet else do nothing.
* Repeat all BaseHopsNumber times for each player.
Set the natives to be found at planets that player will start with.
First number is native type - NatType, second natives government
type - GovType, then natives number in clans - NatClans,
then natives happines - NatHappy, and finaly natives tax - NatTax.
Planet1 - means the nearest planet to Homeworld, Planet2 - second
non-homeworld planet etc.. For native races codes look at the
NativeTypeFrequencies table. Set 0 for no natives, -1 to randomly set
natives type, -2 to don't change natives on planet (in case of no natives,
there will be no natives on this planet, note the difference to 0).
If natives type is set to value in range 1 - 9 and GovType is set
to -1 natives government will be choosen randomly.
One can define government by setting value from range 1 to 9,
see NativeGovFrequencies table for NatType codes.
If NatClans is set to -1 number of natives will be set randomly,
else NatClans will be initial natives population.
NatHappy = -1 will make natives happiness be set to DefaultNativesHappy.
NatTax = -1 will set natives tax to 0 (default value). All randomly
set values will be choosen with universe default distribusions.
New function of Planet1.. parameters is introduced in version 3.9
Valid entries Planet1, Planet2,... ,Planet99
OwnedPlanets = 3
OwnedBases = 1
Planet1 = 4, -1, 60000, 80, 0
Planet2 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
Players will get at start 3 planets, one with homeworld base,
second with Avian natives with government randomly choosen having
6000000 natives on planet with happiness of 80 and taxes set to 0.
Third planet will have no natives.
End of example.
NatType, GovType, NatClans, NatHappy, NatTax
Planet1= -2, 0, 0, 0, 0
Planet2= -2, 0, 0, 0, 0
HomePlanet1, ... , HomePlanet99 parameters describe starting planets
number of clans, mines, factories, defence, cash, supplies,
colonist happines, colonist tax. New in version 3.7
HomePlanet1 is a planet nearest to Homeworld, etc.
DefaultHomePlanet defines default starting planet parameters.
Clans Mines Fac. Defence Cash Supp Happy Tax
HomePlanet1 = 1000, 10, 100, 5, 0, 0, 80, 0
HomePlanet2 = 1000, 10, 100, 5, 0, 0, 80, 0
Clans Mines Fac. Defence Cash Supp Happy Tax
DefaultHomePlanet = 1000, 10, 100, 5, 0, 0, 80, 0
This parameter sets on or off checking of Amorphous natives on
HomePlanets. If set to Yes and Amorphous are present they are deleted.
NoAmorphousOnHomePlanets = No
Setting AllOwnedPlanetsTheSame to Yes will make Amaster search for
first player that has HomePlanet #1 (the closest to Homeworld).
Then this planet is copied to next player HomePlanet #1, and so on
till last player with HomePlanet #1 is processed. Then Amaster will look
for HomePlanet #2 and whole procedure is repeated. All HomePlanets
are processed this way. Summing up, all HomePlanet #1 for all players
are the same, all HomePlanet #2 for all players are the same...
AllOwnedPlanetsTheSame = No
If AllPlayerPlanetsTheSame = Yes HomePlanet #1 is copied to Home Planet #2,
Home Planet #3 etc. Such procedure is done for each player.
As result each player has same planets, but planets owned by different
players can be different.
AllPlayerPlanetsTheSame = No
Setting AllPlayerPlanetsTheSame = Yes AND AllOwnedPlanetsTheSame = Yes
will make HomePlanets globally the same. Use Planet1 and HomePlanet1
to control same of the settings of those planets.
New in version 3.5
Homeworld have temperature 50 F (or 100 F for Tholians/Crystals).
If BioSupport = No temperature is random number from range 0 to 100.
When BioSupport is on, temperature for normal planet is taken
from range PlanetsTempRange. For initially owned planets it is taken from
OwnedPlanetsTempRange. Probability of each temperature in that regions
can be not equal (see BioSupportLevel parameter).
BioSupport = Yes
For BioSupportLevel=0 all temperatures from PlanetsTempRange or
OwnedPlanetsTempRange have equal probability.
As not normalized probability function P for temperature T Amaster uses :
P(T) = BioSupportLevel*sin(3.1415*(T-PlanetsTempRange[0])/TempRange)
where TempRange = PlanetsTempRange[1]-PlanetsTempRange[0].
Bigger values gives more planets with temperature closer to mean.
Allowed values are from 0 to 100. Initialy owned planets temperatures
are given by this probability too. In this case
TempRange = OwnedPlanetsTempRange[1]-OwnedPlanetsTempRange[0].
BioSupportLevel = 50
Temperature range of normal planets when BioSupport = Yes
PlanetsTempRange = 0, 100
Temperature range of initialy owned planets when BioSupport = Yes
OwnedPlanetsTempRange = 15, 84
If natives population is bigger than max population on planet
(due to temperature) adjust population to maximum allowed
for that temperature.
AdjustPopulations = Yes
Set the minimal distance between homeworlds - The Homeworlds will be placed
randomly on the map with at least HomeworldsRadius LY between them.
Large values (above 500 LY) can make it hard to find.
HomeworldsRadius = 100
HomeworldsRange is active when AllowWraparoundMap = No.
This parameter sets area where homeworlds can be located,
so preventing homeworlds to be to near universe border.
Default values are computed from WraparoundRectangle by adding
or subtracting HomeworldsRadius/2. Each race now got circle
of radius HomeworldsRadius/2 with planets to colonize.
Idea by Daniel Bruedigam.
HomeworldsRange = 1200, 1200, 2800, 2800
Host can turn off homeworld finding algorithm by setting
ProvideHomeworlds parameter to Yes. Homeworlds planets
Id's are taken from Homeworlds parameter in such case.
No mine, cash, or any other checking is done.
If race is not playing put 0 as homeworld planet id.
ProvideHomeworlds = No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Homeworlds = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
MASTER 3.02 - Very high homeworld population settings.
HomeworldClans is arrayzed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
MASTER 3.02 - Very high starting money.
HomeworldCash is arrayzed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
These arrays indicate the amount of minerals to place in the core of each
homeworld, and on the surface. Each array is indexed by race.
MASTER 3.02 - Homeworlds extra rich settings.
All HomeworldCore, HomeworldSurface and HomeworldDensity are arrayzed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HomeworldCoreN = 4000
HomeworldCoreT = 2000
HomeworldCoreD = 3500
HomeworldCoreM = 1650
HomeworldSurfaceN = 2000
HomeworldSurfaceT = 300
HomeworldSurfaceD = 350
HomeworldSurfaceM = 150
HomeworldDensityN = 20
HomeworldDensityT = 20
HomeworldDensityD = 15
HomeworldDensityM = 95
Homeworld starting Mines, Factories, Defence, Supplies.
HomeworldMines, HomeworldFactories, HomeworldDefence, HomeworldSupplies
HomeworldColonistTax and HomeworldColonistHappy are arrayzed.
New in version 3.7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HomeworldMines = 100
HomeworldFactories = 150
HomeworldDefence = 100
HomeworldSupplies = 1000
HomeworldColonistTax = 7
HomeworldColonistHappy = 80
Bases control
BaseFreeDefence, BaseFreeFighters are arrayzed
BaseFreeDefence = 10
BaseFreeFighters = 20
Setting one or more of below parameters to yes will make
free parts to be stored in homeworld base.
BaseFreeHulls, BaseFreeEngines, BaseFreeBeams and BaseFreeTorps
BaseFreeTorps are arrayzed.
BaseFreeHulls = Yes
* 1 ship in race slot 1
* 1 ship in race slot 2
BaseFreeEngines = Yes
* 4 Impulse Drive (StarDrive 1) engines
* 2 Dimetrans Drive (StarDrive 3) engines
BaseFreeBeamss = Yes
* 8 Kill-O-Zap (X-Ray Laser) beams
BaseFreeTorps = Yes
* 3 Fusion Bomb (Proton torp) tubes
* 20 Fusion Bomb (Proton torp) torpedoes
BaseFreeHulls = Yes
BaseFreeEngines = Yes
BaseFreeBeams = Yes
BaseFreeTorps = Yes
If AllBasesTheSame = Yes and more than one base is present,
all bases are like homeworld base, so can get free defense, fighters,
parts or tech levels.
AllBasesTheSame = No
When set to yes this parameter will make Amaster to change
non homeworld bases tech levels to 10 if natives on this planet
gives such tech levels.
AdjustBasesTechs = Yes
This array indicates the starting engine tech for each one of the Homeworlds.
Each element must be in the range 1 through 10.
StartingEngineTech, StartingHullTech, StartingBeamTech,
StartingTubeTech are arrayzed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
StartingEngineTech = 7
StartingHullTech = 1
StartingBeamTech = 1
StartingTubeTech = 1
Free ships.
Ships are placed on orbit of Homeworld.
When FreeShipsOnBases = Yes each player bases will get same
free ships as Homeworld. FreeShipsOnBases is arrayized.
FreeShips = No
FreeShipsOnBases = No
This is number of ships on one base, so when FreeShipsOnBases=Yes
total number of player ships will be FreeShipsNumber * OwnedBases[player]
FreeShipsNumber is arrayized.
FreeShipsNumber = 2
FreeShipsAllTheSame = No
If FreeShipsAllTheSame = No each race will get ships in standard way
(one ship with first hull allowed for race, one with second allowed
hull and so on).
If FreeShipsAllTheSame = Yes all races get ships with below hull numbers.
For hull codes look to Phost doc, file hullfunc.htm, List of Hulls section.
Up to 20 hull ids can be defined in FreeShipsHull parameter.
FreeShipsHull = 17
More free ship control can be achived with ship templates and race ships
Ship templates are defined with four numbers : hull number, engine, beam,
tubes tech levels, number of beams, number of tubes.
If value is unset or set to -1 FreeShipsHull, FreeShipsEngines,
FreeShipsBeams, FreeShipsTubes value or maximal possible number of beams
or tubes will be used.
Some examples:
Ship1 = 104,9,9,9,1,1
Ship2 = 105,1
Ship3 = -1,9,-1,7,-1,0
RaceXXShipYY parameters partialy override FreeShipsHull or
FreeShipsAllTheSame actions. RaceXXShipYY parameters has two modes.
First mode is used to define ship with template number.
Example : Race1Ship2 = Ship1
Exaplanation : Use ship template 1 (Ship1) as race 1 ship 2. So if
FreeShipsAllTheSame = Yes and FreeShipsHull=17 and FreeShipsNumber = 4
race 1 will have 4 ships with hulls 17, 104, 17, 17
All other races will have hulls 17, 17, 17, 17
If FreeShipsHull=1,2,3 race 1 will have hulls 1, 104, 3, 1
All other races will have hulls 1, 2, 3, 1
Second mode for RaceXXShipYY setting parameter is similar to ship definition
in ship templates.
Example : Race1Ship2 = 100,2,-1,10,-1,2
Explanation : in 2nd ship of race 1 hull with id 100, engines of tech 2,
default beams tech level (value of FreeShipsBeams), torps of 10th tech,
maximal number of beams allowed by hull and two torp tubes will be used.
More examples of RaceXXShipYY parameters:
Race1Ship1 = 56,1,2,3,4,5
Race1Ship2 = Ship1
Race2Ship1 = Ship2
Race2Ship2 = 56,1
Race2Ship3 = -1,1
Default free ships equipment tech levels.
FreeShipsEngines = 6
FreeShipsBeams = 6
FreeShipsTubes = 6
Free ammo for ships (fighters or torpedos).
FreeShipsAmmo = 20
Engines are coded :
------------------- -------------------
1 -- Impulse Drive StarDrive 1
2 -- Linear Drive StarDrive 2
3 -- Dimetrans Drive StarDrive 3
4 -- Dimesexta Drive SuperStarDrv 4
5 -- Metagrav Drive Nova Drive 5
6 -- Enerpsi Drive HeavyNova Drv 6
7 -- Interuniversal Drive Quantam Drive 7
8 -- Improbability Drive Hyper Drive 8
9 -- Bistromatic Drive Transwarp Drive
Beams are coded :
------------------- -------------------
1 -- Laser Cannon Laser
2 -- Kill-O-Zap X-Ray Laser
3 -- Desintegrator Plasma Bolt
4 -- Phaser Blaster
5 -- Disruptor Positron Beam
6 -- Electron Ram Disruptor
7 -- Ion Cannon Heavy Blaster
8 -- Turbolaser Battery Phaser
9 -- Inpotron Cannon Heavy Disruptor
10 -- Multitraf Spiral Heavy Phaser
Torpedoes are coded :
------------------- -------------------
1 -- Space Rocket Mark 1
2 -- Fusion Bomb Proton Torp
3 -- Paralyso-Matic Bomb Mark 2
4 -- Initial Bomb Gamma Bomb
5 -- Photon Torp Mark 3
6 -- Graviton Bomb Mark 4
7 -- Arkon Bomb Mark 5
8 -- Antimatter Bomb Mark 6
9 -- Katalysator Bomb Mark 7
10 -- Selphyr-Fataro-Dev. Mark 8
Parameters used to make equal start for each race.
Number of planets that Homeword should have near (NearSearchRadius)
and far (FarSearchRadius). This helps to make fair start for all.
No more 0 planet in 84 LY circle, and 10 by your enemy homeworld.
NearFarPlanetCheck = No
Minimal and maximal number of planets in 1 to NearSearchRadius LY
from Homeworld.
NearPlanetsNo = 1, 5
NearSearchRadius = 84
Minimal and maximal number of planets in 1 to FarSearchRadius LY
from Homeworld.
FarPlanetsNo = 5, 15
FarSearchRadius = 165
Check for planets NativeCashSearchRadius LY or less from Homeworlds
with natives. Estimate income from natives. Tax rate is computed to make
natives happines change of 0.
Formulas used:
NatTax = (5.0 + PlanetNatGovm/2.0 - sqrt ( PlanetNativePopulationClans/10000.0))/0.85
if (PlanetNatType==Avian) NatTax+=10.0/0.85
Cash = ((PlanetNativePopulationClans*PlanetNatGovm*NatTax+2500.0)/5000.0)
if (PlanetNatType==Insectoid) Cash*=2
if (PlanetNatType==Amorphous) Cash=0
Starting from Amaster v3.0 NativeTaxRateForRace=100.0 for each race.
Starting point should be independent of race abilities.
NativeCashCheck = No
Minimal and maximal cash from all planets to accept Homeworld.
NativeCash = 1000, 4000
At what radius from Homeworld take planets with natives for cash computing.
NativeCashSearchRadius = 165
Check for minerals expected to mine from planets in range MineSearchRadius.
For each mineral formulas are used (example counts Tritanium on one planet):
MineRate = 200.0 * 100.0 * PlanetDensity(TRITANIUM)/10000.0
if (PlanetNatType==Reptilian) MineRate*=2.0
MineTurns= PlanetCore(TRITANIUM)/MineRate
if (MineTurns>MaxMineTurns) MineTurns=MaxMineTurns
MineTitaniumFromOnePlanet = MineTurns*MineRate
'200.0' is a expected number of mineral mines on planet.
'100.0' is race mining rate, same argument as for NativeTaxRateForRace=100.0
MaxMineTurns is number of turns to count average mining.
MineTitaniumFromOnePlanet is sumed for all planets in range MineSearchRadius
and MineTitaniumAllPlanets/MaxMineTurns is compared to MineTritanium first
number (minimum) and MineTritanium second argument (maximum).
Meteors and meteors showers are not counted.
MineTurns variable gives us resonable number of turns to dig out
all minerals from planet.
MineCheck = No
MineTritanium = 150, 900
MineDuranium = 100, 600
MineMolybdenium = 50, 400
MineSearchRadius = 165
MaxMineTurns = 20
Wormhole generation routine is based upon code from:
PWORMGEN Version 2.1
Author: Edward Winkelman
General wormholes generator settings.
CreateWormholes = No
WormholeNumber = 25
Maximal number of iteration of wormhole generation code,
this limit prevents endless loops.
MaxWormholesCounter = 10000
Amaster specific settings for wormhole generation procedure.
One can prevent wormholes being near homeworlds.
If NoWormholesNearHomeworlds = Yes, wormholes cannot be nearer than
MinWormHomeDistance to homeworlds.
NoWormholesNearHomeworlds = Yes
MinWormHomeDistance = 100
If NoWormholesNearPlanets = Yes, wormholes cannot be nearer than
MinWormPlanetDistance to any planet.
NoWormholesNearPlanets = Yes
MinWormPlanetDistance = 10
Minimal distance between any two wormholes (exit and entrance is checked).
MinWormholesDistance = 50
Minimal length of wormhole (distance between exit and entrance).
MinWormholeLength = 50
PWORMGEN settings.
WormholeUniDirChance/100 is probability that wormhole is unidirectional
Valid values 0 - 100
WormholeUniDirChance = 20
WormholeStartMoveChance/100, WormholeEndMoveChance/100 is probability
that wormhole start/end will move.
Valid values 0 - 100
WormholeStartMoveChance = 20
WormholeEndMoveChance = 20
Wormhole start, end range
WormholeStartRange = 1000, 1000, 3000, 3000
WormholeEndRange = 1000, 1000, 3000, 3000
Wormhole instablility range.
Valid values 0 - 100, first value < second value
WormholeInstabilityRange = 0, 30
Wormhole mass range.
Valid values 1 - 32000, first value < second value
WormholeMassRange = 1, 32000
Map generation section
Map generation algorithm:
* if PlanetsNumber != 500 randomly find IDs for planets inside
* For planets inside WraparoundRectangle X and Y is generated in region
defined by WraparoundRectangle, exclusive. Planets that should be outside
got X = WrapMaxX + WrapMinX/2 or X = WrapMinX/2 with 50 probability each.
Y = WrapMaxY + WrapMinY/2 or Y = WrapMinY/2 with 50 probability each.
* For planets inside WraparoundRectangle check if X or Y are not in
WraparoundRectangle range. For planets outside check if they
are outside. Fix if needed.
* Check if any two planets are less than PlanetsMinDistance, fix it.
Ignore planets outside WraparoundRectangle.
if FixMapChecksums == yes
* Check X coordinates sum of all planets. If not equal 0xf3d19 fix it.
* Check Y coordinates sum of all planets. If not equal 0xf4c89 fix it.
* Try again all TESTS. If all ok, map is ready.
Fix X and Y checksumes routine is based upon code from:
Fix map checksums
by Roger Burton West <>
Written in c-- in 1997
Invoking Amaster with -m option will prevent Amaster from
crating map even if CreateMap = Yes.
Amaster can read PGM (Portable Grayscale Map) files via -k filename option.
This PGM file is used as mask for map creation. Each color represents
probablity that if X and Y is randomly choosen the planet will have those
X and Y. PGM file width and heigth are scaled to WraparoundRectangle values.
The map creation process using mask file can be disturbed when
FixMapChecksums is on. Amaster will display warning in such situation.
To achive desire map shape invoke Amster with -u option.
The example of map shape file is in config directory of distribution.
Copy face.pgm file to game directory and run amaster:
amaster -u -k face.pgm game_dir
To create map mask PGM file use this color to probability table :
Color "0" - black - 0 probability for this X,Y
Color "128" - gray - 50 probability for this X,Y
Color "255" - white - 100 probability for this X,Y
All other gray scale values can be used too.
CreateMap = Yes
If 2 planets have distance smaller than PlanetsMinDistance
one planet is moved.
PlanetsMinDistance = 6
Amaster 3.9d can create maps with less than 500 planets. Simply same of
the planets are created outside WraparoundRectangle.
When map is not created by Amaster PlanetsNumber is determined from
map file, overwriting value defined in config file.
PlanetsNumber = 500
Early VGA-Planets program requires that sum of all planets X
coordinate is 0xf3d19. Setting FixMapChecksums to Yes makes Amaster
to generate maps with X sum of 0xf3d19 and additionaly Y sum of 0xf4c89.
Since maps with or without such sums are equal, maps with good X and Y
sums are generated as default. This option works also for maps with
PlanetsNumber less than 500.
Invoking Amaster with -u option will prevent Amaster from
fixing map checksums map even if FixMapChecksums = Yes.
FixMapChecksums = No
Ion Storms creation section
Ion storms are THost specific. Master program found on THost site
does not generate ion storms on universe creation.
They start to exist during game. During first few turns
they are generated with very small voltages (harmless), but
as game continues they can be introduced to universe being
more dangerous. Ion storm information in stored in grey.hst file.
Basic ion storm generator is implemented in Amaster v3.6
CreateIonStorms = No
Number of ion storms created by Amaster.
IonStormsNumber = 5
Starting X and Y of ion storm center are in range IonStormsCenterRange.
Heading parameter is choose randomly from range 0 to 359.
IonStormsCenterRange = 1000, 1000, 3000, 3000
Initial ranges for ion storms voltage and radius.
IonStormsVoltageRange = 1, 100
IonStormsRadiusRange = 10, 150
If NoIonStormsNearHomeworlds = Yes, ion storms center cannot
be nearer than MinIonStormsHomeDistance to any homeworld.
NoIonStormsNearHomeworlds = Yes
MinIonStormsHomeDistance = 150
Version history.
below v0.96 written by Michal Korzycki
v0.98 Rewritten to C from C++.
v1.0 New config reader.
Near far check.
Natives cash check.
v1.1 Random seed control.
Homeworld search progress display.
v1.2 Wormhole generator.
Map generator and validator.
v2.0 Minerals check.
v2.1 Near, Far search radius.
2 bugs fixed in config reader.
v2.2 Statistics: -t option.
v2.3 Freeships.
v2.4 Base Control.
AuxData saved.
v2.5 2 bugs found by Degi. Thanks.
Free ammo for free ships.
All HW tech levels can be set.
v3.0 New fast homeworld search algoritm. Idea by Degi.
v3.1 Homeworld density parameters, statistic improved.
v3.2 Parameters of mineral ranges can be fully configured.
v3.3 Same minor bugs.
Config parameters are range checked.
More statistic.
v3.4 Few bugs corrected.
New wormhole generator parameters.
v3.5 BioSupport procedure changed.
v3.6 Ion Storms for THost.
v3.7 Better Homeworld and Homeplanets control.
v3.8 Up to 100 Homeplanets, host can pick Homeworlds.
Many small changes.
v3.9 New format of PlanetXX parameters. More bases control.
Maps with less than 500 planets.
v3.10 32-bit random number generator.
Test mode for testing maps and configurations.
PHOST4 support.
Map creation mask PGM file can be used.
Better free ships control