Forum for Titan 1 (#9)

[Posting] Missed turns / Replacements
Thread opener
Posted Sat, 2013-10-12 08:41 GMT

Hi everyone,

I have not heard anything back from the players who missed the last 8 or 12 turns (XaBka/Borg, TheHeadHunter/Tholian, Minos/Empire, pcarli/Colony). I have therefore removed them from the game, their slots are now open for joining.

So, if you know someone who can roll up the field from behind and kick everyone's butt with a still-unused race, go ahead :) (And if you are one of the mentioned players and still want to play, you can join again and start.)

(Actually I'm considering joining one of these positions if nobody objects. I haven't yet looked at any game data for this game, promised.)


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