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[Posting] PCC 2.0.2
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Posted Thu, 2017-01-19 19:45 GMT

A few days ago, I uploaded PCC2 version 2.0.2. This is again mostly a bugfix release, but also adds some minor improvements (such as showing that your ship has Hardened engines, or showing Hisss effect in taxation).


All downloads:


Most bugs were found in the process of making PCC2ng ("next generation", "now good", "no global variables", take your pick...). Because PCC2 in its core now also is 15 years old, PCC2ng is a refactoring of PCC2 using a few more modern techniques. Refactoring as in cut & paste & rework.

A Milestone One is available on This is more of a tech demo. It cannot yet be used for playing. One feature it has (and which the original PCC2 core cannot support) is that it can connect directly to the PlanetsCentral website and download your result - exposing the shortcomings of my web APIs in the process... So, if you want to take a peep into what I'm doing all day long...


This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at