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[Posting] Email and PlanetsCentral
Thread opener
Posted Sat, 2016-06-18 21:03 GMT

Just a heads-up, especially to new users:

PlanetsCentral will only be able to send you email (result files, PM/forum notifications) after you have confirmed that you actually own the email address you entered into your user account. To do that, PlanetsCentral will send you a link you have to click to confirm the address.

So far, 30% of the user accounts have not done that. This means, these 30% will not receive result files. A good portion of these might not be active player accounts, but for those who want to play, this probably degrades your gaming experience.

Email domains with most outstanding confirmations are

  • hotmail (80% unconfirmed)
  • gmail (35% unconfirmed)
  • gmx (15% unconfirmed)

Sometimes the reason for the missing confirmation is that you just forgot it, but sometimes the reason is that the mail providers just reject PlanetsCentral's mail. This is a small system. In their fight against spam, mail admins tend to add new obstacles all the time, and I'm not able to follow that all the time.

So, if you wonder where your PlanetsCentral email is, please check your spam folder, try a different email address, or get in touch with me.

For comparison, the domains with most successful confirmations are

  • gmail (65% confirmed)
  • gmx (85% confirmed)
  • (85% confirmed)
  • yahoo (85% confirmed)

This means users of these mail providers were able to successfully confirm their email address once, and if your email address does not work, you might try one of these.

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It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at