[Posting] Re: WebMineSweepRange
Thread: WebMineSweepRange
Forum:Titan 22
In reply to: WebMineSweepRange
Date:Sun, 2023-09-10 18:53 GMT

I think it is somewhat unfair that the parameter is set to remote sweep of web fields WebMineSweepRange = 3. The crystal race will be more balanced at 0 parameter.

To sweep a field in turn X, you need to move towards its edge in turn X-1. Before you can sweep, the minefield will decay. You need to fulfill WebMineSweepRange after decay. Thus, in turn X-1 you need to get closer than WebMineSweepRange.

This is a difference between Tim-Host and PHost. Tim-Host does minefield decay at a different place in the host order; therefore, you can play Tim-Host with WebMineSweepRange=0. On the other hand, when you lay 10 Mark 8's, PHost will give you 1000 mine units whereas Tim-Host will effectively give you only 950, which is the price you pay for that...


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