[Posting] Re: Missing players at the beginning of games.
Thread:Missing players at the beginning of games.
In reply to:Re: Missing players at the beginning of games.
Date:Mon, 2021-01-18 00:22 GMT

how about this?: if the game is about to start, everyone whose join was more than X days (X=14?) ago receives an email. If they don't confirm within 7 days, they are dropped. (Possibly with an option: I have played >20 turns during last 6 months, don't bother me next time.) Game starts if we have a confirmation from everyone that is <X days old.

1) After all slots filled, just send e-mail for all players, that it needs to press CONFIRM button within 7 days for game start. And create this button :smile:

2) If all 11 players confirmed within 7 days, the game starts.

3) If somebody didn't confirm, his slot opens, all other confirmations cleared and nothing more happens.

4) goto 1 :smile:

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.