[Posting] Re: Automatic dropping of missing players.
Thread:Automatic dropping of missing players.
In reply to:Automatic dropping of missing players.
Date:Fri, 2018-05-04 19:22 GMT

An automatic kick can be done. If I get notified/notice players who don't submit a turn, I tend to kick after around five turns. Of course, having to kick manually goes against the design goal of this server to run maintenance-free (i.e. not break when I'm on holiday). I don't think there's a need to reserve a slot - if someone wishes to keep it, all it takes is a message to request a break, or submitting a turn.

With digital currencies mushrooming everywhere, I had hoped that a PlanetsCentral account with a good reliability becomes a valuable asset people would work for, seems that didn't happen :smile:

I was hoping to give the host server a little more love during the next time, so I could add this. Another ability I'd like to add is to have games with fewer than 11 players, maybe that helps filling games, also. Right now that requires manual editing of the database.


This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.