[Posting] Re: prolonging the game
Thread:prolonging the game
Forum:Pleiades 12
In reply to:Re: prolonging the game
Date:Tue, 2018-05-01 15:07 GMT

alright, alright - so no extra turns, I get it. :tongue: maybe that will make me attack someone now, just for fun ^^

chrystals asking for a prolongation again. Seems to be a chrystal thing. :smile:

Well, what vchc probably meant is that you can plan a game thoroughly. Then you set your goals for early game - t1 to 25 - for midgame - t26 to 55 and endgame - t56 to 80. Just roundabout and examplarily. And in every turnset there is another job to do (crank out ships, ride the queue, shuffle money ... and such) thus you've got to manage the timing when to switch from the old to the new jobs. But if you prolong the game at turn 60 the timeframes change respectively making at least some preparations worthless.

Anyway I don't want to for personal matters. So I don't care about ingame stuff at all... :smile:

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