[Posting] Re: core regeneration bug?
Thread:core regeneration bug?
In reply to:Re: core regeneration bug?
Date:Wed, 2017-12-20 04:21 GMT


that said, which THost change altered from the mid-90's formula (CEILING) to the lower formula that you have?

To answer this question once and for all, I ran a few simulations.

streu: Here's the table for Trans-Uranium rate 5% (default), runs of equal values omitted, differences highlighted (which are precisely the points where ROUND and ERND differ):

<please see table, above>

streu: A formula using CEIL would be rather unusual in HOST. The BASIC dialect HOST is written in has no CEIL function. It has a function called INT (which is often referred to as TRUNC), and it has implicit rounding when assigning fractional values to integer variables (which I refer to as ERND). INT can be used to build a ROUND.

INT refers to INTeger, which functions very similarly to a TRUNC.

streu: Interesting difference between HOST and PHost observed during the simulation: HOST does trans-uranium decay only on owned planets.

that is interesting.

many thanks, streu, for the effort you put into your reply.

As a perfectionist, this is how I remember these things; therefore, I have no explanation for the differences.


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