[Posting] Re: PHP Abyss incident
Thread:PHP Abyss incident
Forum:Just a Second
In reply to:PHP Abyss incident
Date:Fri, 2013-03-01 07:08 GMT

I have received example turns from Knut Wuchtig and Cherek which bear different registration numbers --> ok.

So far we have three votes for a re-host and one "don't care". I will try to do the re-host this evening. I will use the turn files I already have; I'll sanitize them so they do not trigger the crash again.

You will receive new result files for this turn and will have to redo your current turn. I will keep the game on "manual hosting" so I can inspect the turn files before host runs next time. If everything goes ok, regular scheduled hosting will resume.

If anyone objects, please object now.


This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.