[Posting] Re: core regeneration bug?
Thread:core regeneration bug?
In reply to:core regeneration bug?
Date:Tue, 2013-02-26 17:15 GMT

i have noticed that the planet core regeneration rate is lower than THost. what is the PHost formula?

the THost formula is CoreRegenAmount = CEILING(RegenRate*(mining rate/100)), thus a mining rate of 21 with a [THost] default core regeneration rate of 5 percent gives a core regeneration of 2.

For what THost version is your formula?

The formula I know is ERND(RegenRate*Density/100), where ERND is the "round to nearest integer, .5 rounds up or down to next even number" function. PHost's formula is ROUND(RegenRate*Density/100), which is always the same or more (.5 always rounds up).


This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.