[Posting] Re: A no-alliance game
Thread:A no-alliance game
In reply to:A no-alliance game
Date:Sat, 2016-11-19 14:43 GMT
Edited:Sat, 2016-11-19 14:48 GMT

This in an example of configuration of PLS in a Game.

You have to activate it and to edit the pconfig.src after running the first turn.


# TransferOwner = Normal

TransferOwner = Before *pls -t C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1

TransferOwner = After *pls -T C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1

LargeMeteors = Normal

MeteorShowers = Normal

AntiCloak_1 = Normal

DeluxeSuperSpy = Normal

NewNativesAppear = Normal

RobMission = Normal

GamblingShips = Normal

CargoDump = Normal

CargoTransfer = Normal

TrimShipCargo = Normal

Training = Normal

BeamTransfers = Normal

GatherMission = Normal

BeamUpCredits = Normal

MinefieldDecay = Normal

MineLaying = Normal

MinesDestroyMines = Normal

MineSweeping = Normal

MinefieldScan = Normal

WormholeScan = Normal

WebDraining = Normal

SpecialMissions_1 = Normal

BuildFighters = Normal

BuildTorpedoes = Normal

Alchemy = Normal

ShipBuildOrders = Normal

# ShipBuilding_1 = Normal

ShipBuilding_1 = Before *pls -b C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1

DumpOldBaseParts = Normal

# BaseMissions_1 = Normal

BaseMissions_1 = Before *pls -f C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1

BaseMissions_1 = After *pls -F C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1

SupplyRepair_1 = Normal

# BoardingParties = Normal

BoardingParties = Before *pls -p C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1

BoardingParties = After *pls -P C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1

FreeFighters = Normal

TowResolution = Normal

Movement = Normal

GloryDevices = Normal

Chunneling = Normal

AntiCloak_2 = Normal

ColonizeMission = Normal

SupplyRepair_2 = Normal

BaseMissions_2 = Normal

# Combat = Normal

Combat = Before *pls -c C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1

Combat = After *pls -C C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1

SupplyRepair_3 = Normal

Terraforming = Normal

SensorSweep = Normal

SpecialMissions_2 = Normal

PlanetaryProduction = Normal

PlanetaryHappiness = Normal

PlanetaryTaxation = Normal

PlanetaryGrowth = Normal

PlanetaryLosses = Normal

# ShipBuilding_2 = Normal

ShipBuilding_2 = Before *pls.exe -B C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1

Assimilation = Normal

SuperSpyMission = Normal

ShipExploration = Normal

# Experience = Normal

Experience = Before *pls.exe -e C:\AT\PHOST4\GAMES\GAME1


PLS_ShipsBeforePLS = 450

PLS_RaceBalance = 105,105,105,105,125,90,105,90,90,90,90

PLS_MinShips = 43,43,43,43,52,37,43,37,37,37,37

PLS_TurnsToControl = 9

PLS_AllowPDx = Yes

# PLS_DestroyType = BattleOrder

PLS_DestroyType = None

# PLS_DestroyType = Random

PLS_FuellessDestroy = 20

PLS_DestroyCaptured = No

PLS_SendGuess = Yes


PLS_ShipsBeforePLS = 450 indicates the PLS is activated when the 450 ship limit is reached.

PLS_RaceBalance = 105,105,105,105,125,90,105,90,90,90,90

The Privateer will have 125 slots por each 100 planets he controls, for example.

PLS_MinShips = 43,43,43,43,52,37,43,37,37,37,37

Minimum slots guaranteed for each race.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.