[Posting] Re: P-Host Bug
Thread:P-Host Bug
In reply to:P-Host Bug
Date:Mon, 2016-10-24 17:23 GMT

Hi, I have experienced the followig bug last turn - I tried to clone a Buccaneer with using the activity points (I thought it is clonable once - but it is unclonable)... Now one ship was destroyed in the Universe and the base swiched to clone + my build points were charged with 500 BP but no ship was build. Should the phost not just ignore the cloning attempt? Now I have lost BPs I belive this can be improved or has anyone similar experiences?

Assuming this is Pleiades 9, I looked into the host data. You did build a ship: the one you ordered before trying to clone, and which was at queue position 10 the turn before.

LPT: give your ships meaningful names, you you can easily spot the newly built ones :smile:


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It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.