Hull Specification

Super Star Destroyer (#69)
- Mass
- 250 kt
- Cargo
- 80 kt
- Fuel
- 180 kt
- Engines
- 2
- Crew
- 458
- Beams
- 8
- Fighter Bays
- 3
- Cost
- 390 mc, 71 T, 42 D, 92 M
- Tech Level
- 6
- Available to
- 8
Special Abilities
Tractor Beam (Tow, #25)
Ship can tow other ships using the "Tow" mission.
- Available to
- all
- Available at level
- all
- Assigned to
- hull
Immune against planet attacks (PlanetImmunity, #29)
Ship will not be attacked by planets doing "ATT" or "NUK".
- Available to
- all
- Available at level
- all
- Assigned to
- hull
Imperial Assault (ImperialAssault, #11)
Ship can drop storm troops on a planet to capture it.
Unload at least 10 clans to a planet to do Imperial Assault. Only works if ship is undamaged.
- Available to
- all
- Available at level
- all
- Assigned to
- hull