Hull Specification

Neutronic Refinery Ship (#104)
- Mass
- 712 kt
- Cargo
- 1050 kt
- Fuel
- 800 kt
- Engines
- 10
- Crew
- 190
- Beams
- 6
- Cost
- 970 mc, 150 T, 125 D, 527 M
- Tech Level
- 9
- Available to
- all
Special Abilities
Tractor Beam (Tow, #25)
Ship can tow other ships using the "Tow" mission.
- Available to
- all
- Available at level
- all
- Assigned to
- hull
Alchemy: 1 sup + 1 T/D/M -> 1 N (Refinery, #1)
FCode "NAL": disable function
FCode "alX" (PHost 4.0k+): consume only X
FCode "naX" (PHost 4.0k+): do not consume X
- Available to
- all
- Available at level
- all
- Assigned to
- hull