Agave Tequilana

Agave Tequilana is an add-on for VGA Planets, modeled after the
Tequila War / Cactus add-on. See for player documentation.

It implements a scoring system based on keeping and defending planets.


You need the PHost development kit (PDK) that is available here:

**If you just want it compiled,** and that's it, use the enclosed
Makefile. Adjust the variables at the top and type `make`.

**If you want to seriously modify it,** use the Makefile generator
from <>. Create a
build directory, and type

     /path/to/ IN=/path/to/source PDK_DIR=/path/to/pdk

This will create a Makefile suited for development, which does
automatic dependencies, automatic rebuild on rule change, and
out-of-tree build.

In any case, the build result will be a binary `cactus` that is the
entire add-on.

So far, Agave Tequilana has been tested only on Linux with PHost.

Installing and Configuring

Agave Tequilana needs to be invoked from AUXHOST2.INI. Invoke as

    cactus path/to/game

from the respective location.

Agave Tequilana will take a configuration file `cactus.src` from
the game directory. You can use `cactus -dc` on an empty directory
to print a list of configuration options with defaults. See
for descriptions of the options.

Agave Tequilana will store state in a file `cactus.hst` in the game
directory. This file should be compatible with Tequila War / Cactus.

### c2host integration

This add-on can generate a `c2score.txt` and `c2ref.txt` file to
report the current score and voting status, respectively. This way,
when run under c2host, the voting feature will actually end the game.

Run it as

    cactus -i path/to/game

to enable this feature. `c2ref.txt` is only generated when
`EnableFinish` is enabled (default).


This add-on re-implements the Tequila War / Cactus scoring system
( by Eugene Goroh and Konst Kopytov, translated by Gleb
Mazursky. It uses the same file formats.

Written in 2021-2022 by Stefan Reuther <> for
PlanetsCentral <>.

This source code is licensed under a permissive BSD license. Note that
linking against the PDK will produce a binary that is covered by the
GNU GPL, as per the PDK's license.
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at