- 25/Oct/2024
- PCC2 Web: add script interpreter: Console, Search;
- PCC2 Web: add build goals dialog;
- Add documentation for PCC2 Web.
- 11/Aug/2024
- PCC2 Web: add Imperial Statistics, mission group filtering, message actions;
- Add game status filter to user page;
- Documentation center updates.
- 01/Mar/2024
- New ship images for VCR, including 3-D models in FLAK player. Ship image and hull functions shown on shiplist browser.
- 10/Feb/2024
- Update web server software.
- 24/Jun/2023
- Add ability to restrict joining a game by player rank/skill.
- 21/Mar/2023
- Update web server software.
- 19/Dec/2021
- Add Documentation Center.
- 31/Oct/2021
- New layout for front page: icons for links to main section with "todo" bobbles when you have new turns or PMs, merged News/Talk streams.
- New layout for host pages: uniform layout for game lists with more information, icons for tools.
- 12/Jul/2021
- PCC2 Web Simulator: fix two aggressiveness bugs; show aggressor/opponent role for PHost.
- 31/May/2021
- Add support for FLAK.
- 12/Nov/2020
- Marking a turn final no longer immediately runs host so you can still undo mistakes
- Player files contain xtrfcode.txt
- 02/Apr/2020
- PCC2 Web: selection (.), send messages, bunch of hotkeys, several smaller fixes
- Game page: make player options more prominent
- 29/Mar/2020
- Major upgrade to PCC2 Web: it is now based on the same foundations as the existing Simulator as well as PCC2ng.
- 20/Mar/2020
- The option to upload a key is now more prominent to reduce the risk of accidentally using a shareware key.
- 01/Oct/2019
- You are now automatically redirected to the SSL version.
- 20/Apr/2019
- Internal reworks and many small fixes.
- 20/Mar/2019
- SSL support.
- Rework login process and cookie handling to a more secure way.
- 27/Jun/2018
- Game's file area now allows you to download old turn and result files.
- Players who do not submit a turn are now automatically removed after four turns.
- 01/May/2018
- New operating system and new file system giving more resources for new features.
- 16/Feb/2018
- Hosting/forum infrastructure converted to new microservice implementation (c2ng). Most code became faster and more reliable in this process.
- 28/Sep/2017
- Improved Host Software (add-on) browser.
- 06/Aug/2017
- Added new layout with improved support for wide-screen and mobile devices and lots of small improvements. PM notifications on all pages. Slight improvement to the "user home" page.
- 15/Apr/2017
- Show configuration snippets in tool-info
- Improvements for c2ng
- Battle simulator update
- 14/May/2016
- Add ability to graphically show XYPLAN files
- 02/May/2015
- Paged lists
- Improve cookie handling (planetscentral.com vs. www.planetscentral.com)
- 25/Jan/2015
- Forum: list of subscribed forums and topics, auto-subscribe to game forum, reply-to-author
- Battle simulator: multiple-language support for simulator (defaults to your browser language; configurable in settings), some more improvements
- 23/Dec/2014
- Battle simulator: save and load and save simulations, simulate NuHost "Squadron" ability
- Forum: own forum postings as folder in the Mail application, forum postings and games on user-info pages, single-posting view (click the heading!)
- 17/Aug/2014
- Fix details view in battle simulator.
- 12/Aug/2014
- Add battle simulator.
- 09/Jun/2014
- Fix auto-login ("remember me") in Internet Explorer.
- 21/Mar/2014
- Forum: add smileys. Highlight thread opener. Add [br] tag. Allow [img] within [url].
- Host mails say when a schedule has changed.
- 01/Dec/2013
- Improved ship spec viewer.
- 22/Sep/2013
- Turn status on host front page.
- 17/Jul/2013
- Keyboard control for most areas, and some detail improvements.
- 01/Jun/2013
- Folders for user-to-user messaging
- Manage file permissions
- Player ranking list
- Computer-specific preferences
- Many internal changes, added some JavaScript, and several detail improvements.
- 24/Mar/2013
- Minor improvements to forum/PM and score charts.
- 20/Jan/2013
- Simple ship list viewer for ship lists in the Host Software List.
- 16/Dec/2012
- User-to-user messaging function ("PMs").
- 04/Nov/2012
- Forum.
- 16/Sep/2012
- Ranking and difficulty display.
- 27/Jul/2012
- Reset Password feature.
- 02/Jun/2012
- Game end condition support. Email notification for stale turns. Mark turn temporary.
- 13/May/2012
- Schedule detail view. Permanent login.
- 06/May/2012
- Receive turns by mail. Score graph on game info.
- 29/Apr/2012
- Support for managed game directories
- 07/Apr/2012
- Initial beta release of auto-host
- 10/Oct/2011
- File Upload and VCR
- 17/Apr/2011
- Initial beta release of PCC2 Web
Version 20250307-T