Change options by clicking/touching them or pressing the key shown next to them.

m Mode
Choose your host version here. When you change this value, the options Engine-Shield Bonus, Fed Crew Bonus, Random Left/Right, and Left/Right Balance will be set to the defaults for that host version; you can change them afterwards. This option used to be called VCR Algorithm.
e Engine-Shield Bonus
When nonzero, a ship's engine boosts its shield strength. The bonus depends on the engine price; a better engine gives a better bonus.
This value should match the host setting (AllowEngineShieldBonus, EngineShieldBonusRate) for realistic results.
c Fed Crew Bonus
When enabled, Fed ships receive a number of bonuses: 25% shield repair between fights, a 50 kt mass bonus, and Full Weaponry.
This value should match the host setting (AllowFedCrewBonus) for realistic results.
r Random Left/Right
When enabled, sides in ship/ship fights are assigned randomly. This is the default in PHost fights, and levels a potential side advantage the combat formulas may have. Classic hosts do not randomize sides by default.
l Left/Right Balance
Since the HOST combat formulas have a side advantage, HOST applies an additional algorithm to balance fights. You can choose between three modes:
  • None. No balancing is attempted. Use this for PHost.
  • 360 kt. Ships fighting a carrier on the right side randomly get a 360 kt mass bonus. This is implemented in HOST.
  • Master at Arms. This was a proposal to balance fights even better, but is not implemented in any host.
a Honor Alliances/Teams
If enabled, alliance/team settings are honored and ships from the same team do not attack each other. As of December 2014, this option has no effect in the Web Simulator.
b Battles per Simulation
When set to "complete" (default), all fights are resolved completely. With the setting "one", simulation starts after one fight.
s Seed Control
Normally, the simulator just generates random battles. With this option enabled, it picks battles systematically, to simulate every possible result exactly once and produce exact statistics. So far, this only works for Host-style simulations, and with Battles per Simulation set to "one". This means each battle has at most 110/220/440 possible outcomes depending on other settings.
f Randomize FCodes
You can mark friendly code characters to be randomly generated by entering a "#" and/or enabling the Random option (r) on the ship editor. This option determines whether the random friendly codes are generated once when you start simulating (so the whole simulation series is done with the same codes), or before each individual simulation (so each simulation is done with different codes).
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at