You can transport starship parts (engines, beams, torpedo launchers) by loading them onto ships. By default, all freighters can load parts.

Each part/component takes 40 kt cargo space (CargoSpacePerComp), or its regular weight if that is higher. Ships must have sufficient free cargo space to load parts. That cargo space needs to remain "free" as long as the components are aboard the ship. Beware, standard clients do not show that you have starship parts loaded.

To notify you of loaded parts, the ship's name is changed to have the prefix "ST:" (for "special transport") when you load parts.

Note that all load/unload actions happen after movement and therefore after ship building.

If a ship happens to become overloaded (for example, by you accidentally loading more cargo), excess cargo will be destroyed; loaded starship parts will have priority.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at