Wraparound universes can be a challenge to work with when you have to imagine your ships flying from one edge of the universe to another within a single turn. Landing on planets on the opposite side of the map, for example, requires much planning. Fortunately, some client-side programs are currently available that replicate the map (i.e., they tile the plane with the map) so that cross-boundary motions are much easier to visualize and plan.

  • VPA (a DOS client program) supports square wraparound maps centered at (2000,2000).
  • PCC (a DOS client program) supports almost all wraparound maps (map size must be even).
  • EchoView (a Windows information tracking utility) supports square maps of arbitrary size and position.

Since wraparound maps are rather popular, most other new tools should also support it.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.