This table lists all events that affect or are related to minefields, in the order in which they happen.

MinefieldDecayMinefields decayFormulas
MineLayingShips perform mine lay missions (e.g. Lay Mines and Lay Web Mines).Formulas
MinesDestroyMinesOverlapping hostile mines destroy each otherFormulas
MineSweepingShips sweep enemy mines or scoop own mines.Formulas
MinefieldScanShips generate mine scan reports
WebDrainingWeb fields drain fuel from ships inside the field
MoveIonStormsIon storms move (means: their old position determines which minefields they hide)
BuildTorpedoesShips build torpedoes (means: torpedoes built on ships cannot be laid the same turn).
BaseMissions_1This includes the Load Torpedoes onto Ships mission (means: torpedoes loaded here cannot be laid the same turn).
MovementShips move (and are thus vulnerable to mine hits).Mine Hit Formulas
SupplyRepair_2Ships repair themselves (e.g. repair mine hit damage)
BaseMissions_2This includes the Refuel Ships mission which loads new fuel onto ships (e.g. those that lost it in webs)
CombatCombatCombat formulas
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