Since version 3.4b, PHost accepts a special format for messages to add-ons:

name: command

(first word ends with a colon). This will do exactly the same as the old way,

x name: command

(see under xtern for more information).

This will only work with add-ons that accept these commands, but we hope new add-ons will support it. The idea is that add-ons can recognize that a command was sent to them and can generate error messages if they don't understand it. Without such a addressing mechanism, they would always have to assume that the command was for some other add-on and ignore it silently.

For consistency, PHost recognizes the word "phost:" to mean commands addressed to PHost itself. phost: send fcodes will do the same as just send fcodes.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at