Ships can travel through wormholes. If WrmVoluntaryTravel is enabled, wormhole travel is voluntary: set the friendly code to WRT to travel through a wormhole. As a confirmation for wormhole travel, the friendly code will be changed to WRS in this case. If voluntary travel is disabled, ships will always be moved through wormholes if they end their movement inside a wormhole endpoint, even if they do not want that.

Wormhole travel consumes fuel. If the ship does not have enough fuel for the ride, it will be heavily damaged and thrown to a random place in the universe. Even if you have enough fuel, it is possible that your ship gets damaged. You cannot tow or intercept through a wormhole. After traveling through the wormhole, ships must usually decloak (WrmTravelCloaked).

The ship will not end at the exact center of the wormhole. It will end up up to 10 ly in each direction from the center. Therefore, if you enter a wormhole with many ships at the same position, they will not necessarily end all at the same position again.

Travel through a wormhole will impose stress to the wormhole, which will damage the ship. Wormhole stress depends on the mass of the ship and the wormhole. The following table gives you a rough impression. It assumes a completely stable wormhole (instability 0%); less stable wormholes of course increase the failure odds:

Ship MassFailure RateMaximum Damage Taken
less than wormhole mass0%0%
2x wormhole mass1%1%
3x wormhole mass4%16%
4x wormhole mass9%81%
5x wormhole mass16%100%
10x wormhole mass81%100%
11x wormhole mass100%100%

See Wormhole Travel Formulas for details.

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