- When given a PlayersAllowed or RacesAllowed without preceding Hull and Function in hullfunc.txt, PHost would exit with an assertion failure. This has been replaced by a proper error message. (v3.4e/4.0a)
- Not really a bug, more sort-of a missing rule: Dark Sense and Super Spy now work properly even when many players play the same race. When many players Pillage or RGA a planet, or many players Rob, rules are now more fair (per-player-id order). (v3.4e/4.0a)
- Version 4.0 would not correctly communicate Experience to PVCR, and PVCR would display bogus warnings when seeing experience. (v4.0a)
- Experience score records came out endian-swapped on Suns. Found by Stefan Glasauer. (v4.0a)
- When a ship got re-crewed, its experience level would rise uncontrollably. Found by Daniel Brüdigam. (v4.0a)
- PVCR 4.0 would spam the user with bogus warnings when used in a 3.x game. (v4.0a)
- When a ship changed ownership (combat, give, surrender, boarding), its ship name would be sent to the new owner even if AllowShipNames says it should not. Found by Daniel Brüdigam. (v3.4e/4.0a)
- If the Beam up Clans mission was used to gather more than 655 clans, PHost would remove too few from the planet due to an overflow. It would report a bogus amount in the message, too. Found by Bart Dopheide. (v3.4f/4.0b)
- The FighterSweepRate and FighterSweepRange now have correct defaults. With the original defaults, everyone could use that ability, not just colonies. Found by Holger Moritz. (v3.4g/4.0c)
- Experience did not work at all on Linux in version 4.0b. This problem was caused by an error in the compilation. (v4.0c)
- When writing util.dat records, PHost would have consulted the AllowMoreThan500Minefields of the minefield owner, not of the player who's receiving the record. (v3.4g/4.0d)
- Units did not gain experience other than by aging when a PControl add-on is used. That is, neither Training nor fighting gave you points. auxhostX.ini works, though. Found by Heiko Schlenker. You now know why the 4.0 version is called "beta". (v4.0d)
- util.dat Record 51 with current minefield counts used wrong value for "unknown" entries (65535 instead of -1). (v3.4g/4.0d)
- When AllowShipNames was off, PHost did not include remote-control tags in the names. (v3.4g/4.0d)
- Bioscanning was broken in version 4.0c and reported all planets as having Amorphs. Reported by Sascha Rambeaud. (v4.0d)
- Not actually a bug, but a very strange rule: with UseAccurateFuelModel enabled, it was hard to have a ship end a turn with exactly 0 fuel: if you have 3 kt, and your ship burns 2.2, this yields 1 kt remaining. If you remove one kt, you now have 2 kt on the ship, which is too little for the move. The "fuel exhausted distance" formula was modified so that such a move now works. Encountered by Sascha Rambeaud. (v3.4h/4.0e)
- If a fuel-less refinery ship makes fresh fuel, PHost did not allow that ship to use that fuel to defend against boarding or for movement, except if an add-on was used between these stages. Possibly, some other goofs lurked there, too. Again, found by Sascha Rambeaud. (v3.4h/4.0e)
- If a pcontrol-add-on was used after Movement, cloaking devices would fail unless, after burning cloak fuel and movement fuel, cloak fuel for another turn remains on the ship. (v3.4h/4.0e)
- With AllowShipNames restrictions in effect, PHost would blank some ship names in VCRs which it did not have to blank. (v3.4h/4.0e)
- PHost now does explicit tow loop resolution, see the description of towing for details. Results were close-to-unpredictable before. (v3.4h/4.0e)
- Winplan-shareware users were not able to jettison stuff. PHost now permits the Winplan-style of jettison for everyone. (v3.4h/4.0e)
- Intercept now does The Right Thing[tm] for ships that broke free from a tow. It did not work before. Found by Sascha Rambeaud. (v3.4i/4.0f)
- PHost could possibly crash when there are very many minefields (more than 85) on a ship's waypath. (v3.4i/4.0f)
- PHost gave you a red error when you use planets.exe with certain 3rd-party maketurn programs. Encountered by Stefan Eilts. (v3.4j/4.0g)
- After commands in PControl did not work if there were no Before commands for the same section. PHost did not complain if a file referenced through PControl did not exist. (v3.4j/4.0h)
- Long file names in a PControl caused PHost to crash; absolute file names did not work. Found by Elfi Heck. (v3.4j/4.0h)
- Fixed an overflow in money cost computation for Gather-build Torpedoes when more than 65535 mc were used in one turn. This is not possible with the standard ship list or PList, but can happen with other lists such as Penger. (v3.4k/4.0i)
- With UseAccurateFuelModel enabled, cloaking could fail when you end the turn with exactly 1 kt, claiming you have too little fuel. The movement formulas can return fractional values, so your ship may end its turn with, for example, 0.8 kt. This is rounded to 1 kt, but at first it is smaller than the 1 kt needed to cloak. Found by Sascha Rambeaud. (v3.4k/4.0i)
- AssignTo=Ship did not work. Strange. (v3.4k/4.0i)
- Even when the build queue was full, one ship slot could remain empty. When the ship with the highest Id in the game was being destroyed, PHost was getting confused with the "total ships in game" number. (v3.4l/4.0j)
- unload, transfer and refit commands were lost if add-ons were invoked before CargoDump resp. SpecialMissions_1 (for example, in Auxhost1). Found by Georg Strünkmann. (v4.0j)
- If a hyperjumper was damaged above DamageLevelForHyperjumpFail, fixing it would still not allow it to jump this turn. Found by Sascha Rambeaud. (v3.4l/4.0j)
- Add-ons could crash PHost by creating bogus build orders, for example by not building the necessary parts. Found by Ed Robinson. (v3.4l/4.0j)
- Ships now de-cloak automatically when they change ownership. This is the natural consequence of the mission being reset. Problem pointed out by Martin Williams. (v3.4l/4.0j)
- When a base changes ownership, clear the shipyard order (fix/recycle) to avoid a few goofs with "give". (v3.4m/4.0k)
- Comments in hullfunc.txt could confuse the parser and make it do the Wrong Thing. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- Ships are again allowed to drop all their fuel and some other stuff in one turn. Reported by Heiko Schlenker, Mathias Kaeckenmeister. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- If a remote-control ship was doing imperial assault, the wrong player was receiving the message or PHost even crashed. Found by Ingo von Borstel. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- PHost did not prevent ships from fighting each other even if they have no offensive potential or no effective weapons against their current target. This would generate combat recordings that immediately end before a shot has been placed. It would also prevent these ships from attacking following targets against which their weapons are effective. Found by Heiko Schlenker. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- When using FuelUsagePerFightFor100KT, aggressors would continue fighting if they ran out of fuel. Found by Eugene Goroh. (v4.0k)
- Ships that were cloaking and hyperjumping at the same time but had not enough fuel to do both crashed PHost. They do now decloak a little bit earlier, so that they no longer burn cloak fuel. Found by Thomas Klebes. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- Add-ons could cause PHost to crash by submitting bogus cargo dump orders. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- Mutual Intercept across map borders should now yield more intuitive movement. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- In combat, ships can now fire at the enemy ship even if the enemy has fighters in flight, if BeamFiringRange and BeamHitShipCharge say so. In addition, with some (mis-)configurations, fighters could fly off too far and never return. This has been fixed. If a configuration is used where this is possible, you need to upgrade to PVCR 4.0k(2) to watch your battles. (v4.0k)
- The shipscan.ext file now contains the turn number and timestamp of the current turn as stored in lastturn.hst, not the previous one. (v3.4m/4.0k)
- PHost 4.0k was crashing on games mastered with fewer than 500 planets when experience was being used. Found by Chris Carr. (v4.1)
- Moving at full speed with a ship repaired using supplies did not work when add-ons were used before Movement. Reported by Harry Bur. (v4.1)
Version 20250307-T