word      Ship Id
word      Cargo Type (0-7)
word      How Produced (0-3)
word      Amount Produced

Sent when: a ship produced something

Sent to: owner of ship, and remote controller

There are a number of ship functions, missions and friendly code actions that cause a ship to produce things. This record reports production success.

The Cargo Type field contains the type of resource produced:

0Neutronium. Neutronium is produced by ramscoop and refinery ships.
1Tritanium. Tritanium is produced by alchemy ships.
2Duranium. Duranium is produced by alchemy ships.
3Molybdenum. Molybdenum is produced by alchemy ships.
4Colonists. Currently not used.
5Supplies. Currently not used.
6Money. Money is produced by gambling ships.
7Torpedoes/Fighters. These are produced using the lfm or mkt friendly codes, the Gather-build fighters, Build fighters, Gather-build torpedoes and Build torpedoes from cargo missions, and automatically on Rebel ships.
8Experience. Generated by Training.

The How Produced field tells you what was used to produce the new items:

0The new items were free (ramscoop).
1The ship consumed things from its cargo room (e.g., alchemy).
2The ship consumed things from the planet it is orbiting (e.g. Gather-build torps).
3The ship consumed things from its cargo room and the planet it is orbiting (e.g. lfm).
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.