word[11]  Allowed
word[11]  Laid

Sent when: Minefield restrictions are active (MaximumMinefieldsPerPlayer)

Sent to: all players

► Note: This record is deprecated and might be removed sometimes in the future. The same information is also sent in record 51 since PHost 3.4d.

This record is sent when minefield restrictions are active. The Allowed array contains, for each player, the number of minefields he is allowed to lay (MaximumMinefieldsPerPlayer). The Laid field contains the number of minefields for each player: you will be told your allies' minefield count when he offers you the minefield alliance level. Positions of players whose value you should not see are 0xFFFF (all bits 1).

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.