PHost 4.0k and later allows hosts to configure certain costs that were previously hardwired (for example, StarbaseCost). These costs are also hardwired in current Planets clients. To submit a correct turn, the client must use the changed costs when it performs an action affected by this change.

PHost implements no error recovery for these cases. If the configured starbase costs are higher than the standard 402T/120D/340M/900$, players receive a red status when handing in their turn. PHost does not try to detect and correct this mistake.

Essentially, this is the same behaviour as if you were using a modified ship list. It brings a new quality of the problem, though, because players cannot fix these problems by merely installing the correct data files - they have to get an updated client.

For protection, we have added the AllowIncompatibleConfiguration option. Hosts must explicitly enable this option before being allowed to configure a game incompatible this way.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at