Regular MinesWeb Mines
Everyone can lay regular mines.Only Crystals can lay Web Mines (determined by PlayerSpecialMission).
Cloaked ships have lower hit rate for regular mines (MineHitOddsWhenCloakedX10 vs. MineHitOdds).Cloaking does not change hit rate. The hit rate is much higher than for regular mines (WebMineHitOdds).
Minefields can be swept from the outside (MineSweepRange)Ships must be closer or even inside a web field to sweep it (WebMineSweepRange).
Ships that do not move regularly are safe from minefield effects.Ships that sit inside a Web Minefield owned by Crystals (determined by PlayerSpecialMission) will lose fuel for just being there (WebDrainFuelLoss).
Ships that hit a mine take damage (MineHitDamageFor100KT) but can continue movement at reduced speed.Ships that hit a web mine take less damage (WebHitDamageFor100KT) but must stop movement and burn fuel (WebHitFuelLoss).
Colonies can sweep mines using their fighters (FighterSweepRange, FighterSweepRate)Web mines can normally not be swept using fighters (AllowColoniesSweepWebs).

In addition, mine lay/scoop rates (UnitsPerTorpRate, UnitsPerWebRate) and sweep rates (MineSweepRate, MineSweepRange) can be configured differently.

Web mines and regular mines usually don't interact with each other (AllowMinesDestroyWebs), but mines of the same type do (AllowMinesDestroyMines).

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