(also "Decommission", "Land & Disassemble") When the ship reaches an unowned or friendly planet next time, it will land to colonize the planet. The ship will be disassembled and turned into supplies for the colony.

You do not need this mission to colonize planets. Normally, you use the regular cargo transfer and drop colonists onto a planet to colonize it. Use this mission only when you actually want to scrap the ship.

When the ship colonizes an unowned planet, the planet starts with the experience level of the ship. When the planet is already inhabited, the ship's experience is lost.


  • ship has fuel
  • planet is unowned or friendly (friendly code match only accepted in 3.4d and higher)

Relevant Configuration Options: PALRecyclingPer10KT, RecycleRate.

Relevant PControl Stage: ColonizeMission

Relevant Formulas: Colonizing.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.