When PHost is invoked, it performs a host file check. Inconsistencies are reported and fixed.

  • Problems with the game data files are corrected. For example, if a ship has an intercept order for another ship that was deleted (for example, using Killrace), that order will be canceled. PHost will use the new value for its host run.
  • Since version 4.1a, PHost starts implementing ship list file checks. If one of these files has an invalid value, PHost corrects the value internally and uses that for the host run. However, PHost never updates the disk files. For example, if a ship is stored in the hullspec.dat as having a maximum crew of 0, PHost uses a value of 1 internally, because a ship without crew cannot exist. You should correct the specification files in this case.

Currently, the game data files are only checked once, when PHost starts. PHost "trusts" all add-ons run through the Auxhost and PControl mechanisms. If one of these programs messes up game data files too bad, PHost may crash.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.