Calling Add-ons from PHost

PHost supports the Auxhost1 and Auxhost2 hooks of HOST, as well as even finer control using "PControl". If you wish to use a host-side add-on program, read Manipulating the Host Sequence. The add-on documentation will tell you where in the sequence the add-on goes.

Special Friendly Codes and Missions

When you use an add-on which provides additional friendly codes or missions, you should make these known to PHost and the players using the files intended for it.

  • All special friendly codes should be listed in xtrfcode.txt. PHost will then treat these codes as special, and exempt them from matching. See The XTRFCODE.TXT File Format for details.
  • All add-on missions, as well as the PHost extended missions, should be listed in mission.ini.
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