This statement specifies whether PlayersAllowed and RacesAllowed statements assign their properties to hulls or ships. It affects only statements which follow the AssignTo. You can mix hull-specific and ship-specific abilities as you wish.

  • AssignTo = Hull: assigns functions to hulls (like it ever did). When you allow the Small Deep Space Freighter to hyperjump only when owned by race 10, Rebels can hyperjump with it, everyone else can not. When the Rebels give away an SDSF, it loses its Hyperjump device, when they capture/receive one, it will get one.
  • AssignTo = Ship: assigns functions to ships when they are built. When you allow the SDSF to hyperjump when built by race 10, all SDSFs built by the Rebels will be able to hyperjump, no matter who owns them. When the Rebels capture a foreign SDSF, that one will not jump.

Note that, when you edit hullfunc.txt in mid-game (not recommended!), functions assigned to hulls will be upgraded/removed from existing ships; functions assigned to ships will not.

This statement only works in PHost 4.x or better. PHost 3.4b ignores it, older ones reject it.

Since the major Master programs do not handle ship-specific hull abilities, PHost will assign the ship functions to ships created by the Master program in turn one. That is, if your Master program created the above small deep space freighter without the hyperjump function, PHost will give it one. If you already gave a ship a function before running PHost for the first time, that ship will not be touched.

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