Formulas & Rounding: Several processes involve rounding. PHost's rounding behaviour often differs from HOST's, so identical formulas might yield different results. At some places, PHost also uses slightly different formulas. The Formulas collection attempts to document PHost's exact behaviour.

Mission Ordering: HOST's mission ordering was not completely known by the time PHost was initially written. Therefore, there are some differences. PHost's mission ordering is described in detail on the Host Order page. The most prominent known differences:

  • In PHost, mine decay happens before all other minefield actions, in HOST, it happens afterwards. PHost should therefore be played with slightly larger values for WebMineSweepRange than HOST.
  • In PHost, sensor sweeping happens after movement. In HOST, it happens in the very beginning.

Messages: PHost condenses most scanner reports. You'll receive only one summary report for each minefield, planet or wormhole scanned. When the messages contain distances, PHost reports a dummy value ("999 ly"). Some messages include slightly more information than in HOST.

Configuration: PHost has many configuration options which can be used to customize many details of the game. Many options which are global in HOST can be set to different values for every player in PHost.

Friendly Code Matching: Special friendly codes never match in PHost. See Friendly Codes. In HOST, only few friendly codes (NTP, mkt, lfm, ATT, NUK) are excempt from matching in combat, and no exceptions apply in other cases (e.g. for movement through minefields).

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