The basic format of an assignment is

Item = Value

where Item is the name of the option to assign (for example, MineSweepRate), and Value is the value. Values can have different types:

  • Numbers. These are simply integers. PHost cannot deal with fractional numbers in the configuration. For example, the MineHitOdds can be 1% or 2%, but not 1.5%. For some values, PHost internally scales down the value you entered. These options end in X10 or X100. For example, the value of MineHitOddsWhenCloakedX10 is internally divided by 10. If you enter MineHitOddsWhenCloakedX10 = 25, the cloaked mine hit odds will be 2.5%. ► Note: Even here, fractional values are not allowed in the config file. MineHitOddsWhenCloaked = 2.5 will not work!
  • Booleans, or other enumerated values. A boolean value can take the values Yes or True resp. No or False; individual entries state the allowed values.
  • Costs. These are specified in a similar format as cargo amounts for the beamup command: one value is a space-separated list of type/amount pairs. For example, T402 D120 M340 $900 is the cost of a starbase. Permitted cargo types are only Tritanium (T), Duranium (D), Molybdenum (M), supplies (S) and money ($). A cost specification cannot be empty. To make an item free, specify it as "$0" or something similar.
  • Arrays. Array options contain a sequence of values, separated by commas. For example, the WraparoundRectangle option requires an array of four integers.
  • Arrayized options. Many things can be set individually for each player, for example,
    ColonistTaxRate = 100,120,100,140,100,100,100,100,100,100,100
    If you want to assign the same value to all players, you only need to specify one value:
    # This sets all players' values to 100
    ColonistTaxRate = 100
    Many of these options were originally global settings affecting all players, which were turned into arrays (arrayized) by PHost. This concept (specify one or many values) now applies to many options, including new ones.
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It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at