When you offer ship level, they will have the following benefits:

  • They will see your ships, even cloaked ones. They will know your ships' experience levels. If your ship is using the RacePlus Chameleon Device, they will still see the true type.
  • As a consequence, they can tow and intercept your cloaked ships.
  • They can Remote Control your ships, unless you disallowed that (remote forbid command).
  • If AllowShipNames is Allies, they will see your ships' names.
  • If you are Privateer, they will not be harmed by your Rob mission.
  • They will not board your ships.
  • Their cloaked ships will not trigger your Glory Device. If your GD goes off, and you also have offered combat level, your Glory Devices will only do the reduced damage to their ships (1/10 mine hit for Saber, 1/5 for D19b).
  • If AlternativeAntiCloak is enabled, your Loki will not de-cloak their ships.
  • If you have a bidirectional alliance, and AllowAlliedChunneling is enabled, you'll be able to initiate a chunnel to their Firecloud, and their ships will be allowed to move through your chunnels.
  • When you offer combat, vision and ship level, they will receive a copy of all your combat recordings (VCRs). VCRs you receive by this mechanism will not be forwarded, there is no double-forwarding of messages.
This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.