Tow chains (A tows B, B tows C, C tows D, D tows E, etc.) are broken up such that the first tow always succeeds. In this example, A will tow B. Since a ship which is being towed cannot tow another ship, B will not tow. C will tow D, and D will not tow.

Loops can also remain in very few cases. In this case, PHost will pick one ship whose tow succeeds, and resolve the rest using the above chain resolution rules.

  • Under alternative towing, the ship with the highest tow strength wins. Among equal tow strengths, lowest Id wins.
  • Under HOST-compatible towing, a ship with Level 2 towing wins over one without. Among equal ships, the lowest Id ship wins.

► Note: Note that PHost versions before 3.4h/4.0e did not do loop resolution, so results were close to unpredictable under these versions.

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It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at