word[2]   Id Numbers
word      Planet Flag
word[2]   Owners (1..12)
word[2]   Damage
word[2]   Torps
word[2]   Fighters
word[2]   Outcome
--- PHost 1.3+ ---
word      X Location
word      Y Location
--- PHost 3.4b+ ---
word      Random Seed

Sent when: combat happens. This record is sent as a supplement to the normal vcr.dat record.

Sent to: participants of the battle, and to any allies they have to which they have enabled the combat, ship and vision level.

Each battle involves two objects, for which the result is given in this record (the initial status is in the VCR record). If the Planet Flag is zero, both objects are ships, and the Id numbers are ship Ids. If the Planet Flag is one, the second object is a planet, and the second Id number is a planet Id.

The Outcome value describes how the battle ended for this object:

0Victor: this unit won the battle
1Captured: this unit was captured (never true for planets)
2Destroyed: this unit was destroyed (in case of a planet, the planet got captured because all its defense was destroyed)
3No Ammo: this unit no longer has offensive capability

Note that in PHost, planets can capture ships. Outcome 3, No Ammo, is true when after a battle a unit has no beam weapons, no torps, and no fighters remaining. This outcome will never occur as long as the unit has effective beam weapons. Since Death Rays are not effective against a planet, such fights might also be terminated with this outcome.

The Seed value is the same as in the VCR record. Together with the Id numbers, it can be used to match util.dat records against VCR records.

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.