word      Object Id
word      Utility Code
...auxiliary data may follow

Sent when: a General Object was destroyed

This record can be used by host-side add-on programs to report destruction of a General Object to the players. PHost never generates this record.

The intention is to simplify client-side information tracking. Client programs can use this record to discard obsolete objects. utilX.dat files should be parsed sequentially with respect to this record: a General Object record followed (directly or indirectly) by this record for the same object means a new object which is immediately destroyed. First a destruction record and then a General Object with the same Id/UtilCode means destruction of the old object and creation of a new one.

After the two fields defined here, programs may place auxiliary information, for example the cause of destruction.

See also: General Object (Record 33)

This is a testing version.
It may be incomplete, and have more bugs (or features) than the public live version at planetscentral.com.